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Daily Strength Blog

Read James 2:1–4
My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism. James 2:1

The religious experts in Christ’s day judged Him by their human standards, and they rejected Him. He came from the wrong city. He was not a graduate of their accepted schools. He did not have the official approval of the people in power. He had no wealth. His followers included publicans and sinners. Yet he was the very glory of God.

We often make the same mistakes. When visitors come into our churches, we tend to judge them on what we see outwardly. Dress, color of skin, fashion, and other superficial things carry more weight than the fruit of the Spirit that may be manifest in their lives. We cater to the rich because we hope to get something out of them, and we avoid the poor because they embarrass us. Jesus did not engage in such discrimination, and He cannot approve of it.

How do we practice the deity of Christ in our human relationships? By looking at everyone through the eyes of Christ. If visitors are Christians, we can accept them because Christ lives in them. If they are not Christians, we can receive them because Christ died for them. It is Christ who is the link between us and others, and He is a link of love.

Something to Ponder
Have you ever been a victim of favoritism? In what ways? How can you see others through the eyes of Christ, not judging by surface qualities?

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