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Daily Strength Blog

Read Isaiah 30—31
Assyria will fall by a sword that is not of man; a sword, not of mortals, will devour them. Isaiah 31:8

Judah’s faith was in people, not in God. Why should the Lord fear the Assyrians? God would pounce on Assyria like a lion and swoop down like an eagle, and that would be the end! In one night, the Assyrian army was wiped out (Isa. 37:36). Think of the distress Judah would have avoided had they only rested in the Lord their God and obeyed His will. All their political negotiations were futile and their treaties worthless. They could trust the words of the Egyptians but not the word of God!

As God’s church today faces enemies and challenges, it is always a temptation to turn to the world for help. But our first response must be to examine our hearts to see if there is something we need to confess and make right. Then we must turn to the Lord in faith and obedience and surrender to His will. We must trust Him to protect us and fight for us. A friend of mine kept a card on his office desk that read: “Faith Is Living Without Scheming.” That is what Isaiah was saying to Judah and Jerusalem; and that is what he is saying to us today.

Something to Ponder
What can you do to remain patient and faithful while waiting for God to act on your behalf?

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