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Daily Strength Blog

Read Job 19:21–29
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. Job 19:25

It is significant that Job would go from the depths of despair to the heights of faith and then back into the depths again. This is often the normal experience of people experiencing great suffering.
In spite of what some preachers say, very few people can maintain a constant high level of faith and courage in times of severe pain and trial.

John Henry Jowett, at one time known as “the greatest preacher in the English-speaking world,” wrote to a friend: “I wish you wouldn’t think I am such a saint. You seem to imagine that I have no ups and downs, but just a level and lofty stretch of spiritual attainment with unbroken joy and equanimity. By no means! I am often perfectly wretched, and everything appears most murky.”2

Job expressed confidence that, even if he died, he would still have a Redeemer who one day would exercise judgment on the earth (Job 19:25). Furthermore, Job affirmed that he himself expected to live again and see his Redeemer (vv. 26–27)! It was an affirmation of faith in the resurrection of the human body.

Something to Ponder
What things do you so strongly believe to be true about God that they could be recorded permanently—“carved in stone,” so to speak?
2 Arthur Porrit, John Henry Jowett (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914), 290.

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