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Daily Strength Blog

Read Isaiah 34—35
A highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The
unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way.
Isaiah 35:8

Isaiah 35:8 expresses one of Isaiah’s favorite themes: the highway (11:16; 19:23; 40:3; 62:10). During the Assyrian invasion, the highways were not safe (33:8), but during the kingdom age it will be safe to travel. In ancient cities, there were often special roads that only kings and priests could use; but when the Messiah reigns, all of His people will be invited to use a special highway. Isaiah pictures God’s redeemed, ransomed, and rejoicing Jewish families going up to the yearly feasts in Jerusalem to praise their Lord.

When Isaiah spoke and wrote these words, it is likely that the Assyrians
had ravaged the land, destroyed the crops, and made the highways unsafe.

The people were cooped up in Jerusalem, wondering what would happen
next. The remnant was trusting God’s promises and praying for God’s help, and God answered their prayers. If God kept His promises to His people centuries ago, will He not keep His promises in the future and establish His glorious kingdom for His chosen people?

The future is our friend when Jesus Christ is our Savior.

Something to Ponder
In what way is your spiritual journey like going down a highway?

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