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Daily Strength Blog

Read Ecclesiastes 1:12–18
I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness
and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
Ecclesiastes 1:17

When Adam and Eve sinned, they did get an experiential knowledge of
good and evil, but since they were alienated from God, this knowledge only added to their sorrow. It has been that way ever since. Each advance in human knowledge and achievement only creates a new set of problems for society.

For some people, life may be monotonous and meaningless, but it does
not have to be. For Christians, life is an open door, not a closed circle; there are daily experiences of new blessings from the Lord. True, we can’t explain everything, but life is not built on explanations: It is built on
promises—and we have plenty of promises in God’s Word.

The scientist tells us that the world is a closed system, and nothing is
changed. The historian tells us that life is a closed book, and nothing is new.

The philosopher tells us that life is a deep problem, and nothing is

But Jesus Christ is “the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor.
1:24), and He has miraculously broken into history to bring new life to all
who trust Him. If you are living in circles, then turn your life over to Him.

Something to Ponder
In what ways, if any, do you feel you may be living in circles?

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