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Daily Strength Blog

Read Job 25—26
These are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we
hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?
Job 26:14

It is disturbing to see how Job’s friends spoke so knowingly about God
when, in the end, God revealed that they really didn’t know what they were talking about. Too often, those who say the most about God know the least about God.

Job first rebuked Bildad for giving him no help (Job 26:1–4). Then Job
extolled the greatness of God (vv. 5–13). The three friends must have
listened impatiently because they already knew the things Job was talking about, but they hadn’t drawn the right conclusion. Because they saw God’s handiwork in nature, they thought they knew everything about God and therefore could explain God to Job.

Job said that just the opposite was true (v. 14). What we see of God in
creation is but the fringes of His ways, and what we hear is but a whisper of His power!

The fourteenth-century British spiritual writer Richard Rolle said, “He
truly knows God perfectly that finds Him incomprehensible and unable to
be known.” The more we learn about God, the more we discover how much more there is to know.

Something to Ponder
What are some things you can do to know God more completely and better represent Him to others?

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