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Daily Strength Blog

Read 2 Corinthians 3:12–18
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Christians do not live under the law, but this does not mean that we are
lawless. The Spirit of God writes the Word of God on our hearts, and we
obey our Father because of the new life He has given us within.

The lure of legalism is still with us. False cults prey on professed
Christians and church members, as did the Judaizers in Paul’s day. We must learn to recognize false cults and reject their teachings. But there are also gospel-preaching churches that have legalistic tendencies and keep their members immature, guilty, and afraid. They spend a great deal of time dealing with the externals, and they neglect the cultivation of the inner life.

They exalt standards and they denounce sin, but they fail to magnify the
Lord Jesus Christ. Sad to say, some New Testament churches have an Old Testament ministry.

Paul said that his own ministry was triumphant (2 Cor. 2:14) and glorious
(3:7–18). The two go together. When our ministry involves the glory of
God, we cannot quit!

Something to Ponder
What are evidences of freedom in the Spirit that you have observed in your life?

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