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Daily Strength Blog

Read 2 Corinthians 13:1–10
He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among you.
2 Corinthians 13:3

“Let Paul prove he is a true apostle!” said his opponents. Paul’s reply was, “Like Jesus Christ, I am strong when it appears I am weak.” On the cross, Jesus Christ manifested weakness; but the cross is still “the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18). By the standards of the world, both Jesus and Paul were weak, but by the standards of the Lord, they were strong.

A pastor friend of mine, now in heaven, had a quiet manner of delivery in
the pulpit and a similar approach in his personal ministry. After hearing him deliver a sermon, a visitor said, “I kept waiting for him to start preaching!”

She was accustomed to hearing a loud preacher who generated more heat than light. But my friend built a strong church because he knew the true standards for ministry. He knew how to be weak in Christ and also how to be strong.

How do we measure the ministry today? By powerful oratory or biblical
content? By Christian character or what the press releases say? Too many times we Christians follow the world’s standards when we evaluate
ministries; instead, we need to pay attention to God’s standards.

Something to Ponder
What (if any) of your own strengths are interpreted by others as
weaknesses? Why might this be so?

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