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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 Peter 1:17
Today’s Scripture: Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 1 Peter 1:17

God will give us many gifts and privileges as we grow in the Christian life,
but He will never give us the privilege to disobey and sin. He never
pampers His children or indulges them. But when His child obeys and
serves Him in love, He notes that obedience and service and prepares the proper reward.

Peter reminds us that we are only sojourners on earth. Life is too short to
waste in disobedience and sin (1 Peter 4:1–6). It was when Lot stopped
being a sojourner and became a resident in Sodom that he lost his
consecration and his testimony (Gen. 13).

In view of the fact that the Father lovingly disciplines His children today,
and will judge their works in the future, we ought to cultivate an attitude of
“godly fear” (Heb. 12:28 KJV). This is not the cringing fear of a slave before a master, but the loving reverence of a child before his father. It is not fear of His judgment, but a fear of disappointing Him or sinning against His love. It is a sober reverence for the Father.

Something to Ponder
Think about a sinful behavior or attitude you’ve given up but sometimes
wish you could indulge in again. How does reverence for God help you
overcome that temptation?

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