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Daily Strength Blog

Read Job 1:6–19
Today’s Scripture: Yet another messenger came and said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting … when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead.” Job 1:18–19

In one day, Job was stripped of his wealth, and all ten of his children were killed in a windstorm (Job 1:13–19).

Job knew what had happened, but he did not know why. Because the
author allows us to visit the throne room of heaven and hear God and Satan speak, we do know (vv. 6–12).

Several important truths emerge from this scene, not the least of which is
that God is sovereign in all things. He is on the throne of heaven, the angels do His will and report to Him, and even Satan can do nothing to God’s people without God’s permission. “The Almighty” is one of the key names for God in Job; it is used thirty-one times. From the outset, the writer reminds us that, no matter what happens in this world and in our lives, God is on the throne and has everything under control. We may not know until we get to heaven why God allowed certain things to happen. Meanwhile, we walk by faith and say with Job, “May the name of the LORD be praised” (v. 21).

Something to Ponder
How do these events that happened to Job make you feel about God?

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