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Daily Strength Blog

Read James 4:13–14
Today’s Scripture: You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14

We count our years at each birthday, but God tells us to number our days
(Ps. 90:12). After all, we live one day at a time. We cannot afford merely to “spend our lives”; and we certainly do not want to “waste our lives.” We
must invest our lives in those things that are eternal.

God reveals His will and His Word, and yet most people ignore the Bible.
In the Bible, God gives precepts, principles, and promises that can provide guidance in every area of life. We don’t have the wisdom to see the future nor the power to control the future. For us to boast is sin. How foolish it is for people to ignore the will of God. It is like going through the dark jungles without a map, or over the stormy seas without a compass.

When I visited Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, I was impressed with the
maze of tunnels and the dense darkness when the lights were turned off.
When we got to the “Pulpit Rock,” the man in charge of the tour gave a
five-word sermon from it: “Stay close to your guide.” Good counsel indeed!

Something to Ponder
If you knew you had only one week to live, list all the things you would
want to do during that week.

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