Read 1 Peter 1:18–21
Today’s Scripture: You know that it was not with perishable things such as silver and gold that you were redeemed … but with the precious blood of Christ. 1Peter 1:18–19
There were probably fifty million slaves in the Roman Empire! Slaves
could purchase their own freedom if they could collect sufficient funds; or
their masters could sell them to someone who would pay the price and set them free. Redemption was a precious thing in that day.
We must never forget the slavery of sin. Not only did we have a life of
slavery, but it was also a life of emptiness. At the time, we may have
thought our lives were full and happy when they were really empty and
miserable. In the same way, unsaved people today are living on substitutes.
I met a woman who told me she had been converted early in life but had
drifted into a “society life” that satisfied her ego. One day, she was driving
to a card party and happened to tune in a Christian radio broadcast. At that very moment, the speaker said, “Some of you women know more about cards than you do about your Bible!” God spoke to her heart, she went back home, and from that hour her life was dedicated fully to God.
Something to Ponder
What are some substitutes you’ve sought or tried out to fill the emptiness in your life? How did they compare to your relationship with Christ