Read Romans 14:1–12
Today’s Scripture: Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. Romans 14:4
Two of the most famous Christians in the Victorian era in England were
Charles Spurgeon and Joseph Parker, both of them mighty preachers of the gospel. Early in their ministries they fellowshipped and even exchanged pulpits. Then they had a disagreement, and the reports even got into the newspapers. Spurgeon accused Parker of being unspiritual because he attended the theater. Interestingly enough, Spurgeon smoked cigars, a practice many believers would condemn. Who was right? Who was wrong?
Perhaps both of them were wrong!
When it comes to questionable matters in the Christian life, cannot
dedicated believers disagree without being disagreeable? “I have learned
that God blesses people I disagree with!” a friend of mine told me one day, and I have learned the same thing. When Jesus Christ is Lord in our lives, we permit Him to deal with His own servants as He wishes.
Something to Ponder
Is it more difficult to allow Jesus to be Lord of your life or of other peoples’ lives? Why?