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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 John 4:17–19
Today’s Scripture: There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1John 4:18

Two brand-new words come into John’s vocabulary here: fear and
punishment. And this passage is written to believers! Many professed
believers experience both fear and torment day after day. And the reason is that they are not growing in the love of God.

If people are afraid, it is because of something in the past that haunts
them, or something in the present that upsets them, or something in the
future that they feel threatens them. Or it may be a combination of all three.

Believers in Jesus Christ do not have to fear the past, present, or future; for they have experienced the love of God, and this love is being perfected in them day by day.

God wants His children to live in an atmosphere of love and confidence,
not fear and potential punishment. Immature Christians are tossed between fear and love; mature Christians rest in God’s love. A growing confidence in the presence of God is one of the first evidences that our love for God is maturing.

Something to Ponder
What is the difference between the “fear of the Lord” and being afraid of
God and what He might do to you?

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