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Daily Strength Blog

Read 2 Corinthians 10:1–6
Today’s Scripture: The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. 2 Corinthians 10:4

There are walls of resistance in the minds of people, and these walls must be pulled down (2 Cor. 10:4 KJV). What are these “mental walls”?
Reasonings that are opposed to the truth of God’s Word. Pride of
intelligence that exalts itself. Paul was not attacking intelligence but
intellectualism, the high-minded attitude that makes people think they know more than they really do.

Paul’s humility was actually one of his strongest weapons, for pride plays
right into the hands of Satan. The meek Son of God had far more power
than Pilate (John 19:11), and He proved it. To tear down the opposition,
Paul used spiritual weapons: prayer, the Word of God, love, the power of
the Spirit at work in his life. He did not depend on personality, human
abilities, or even the authority he had as an apostle. However, he was ready to punish the offenders, if necessary, once the congregation had submitted to the Lord (2 Cor. 10:6).

The church today is still involved in spiritual warfare, but even those who
understand the seriousness of the Christian battle do not always know how to fight. They try to use human methods to defeat demonic forces, and these methods are doomed to fail.

Something to Ponder
What are some spiritual “weapons” you may not be utilizing as well as you should? How can you use them more effectively?

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