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Daily Strength Blog

Read Ecclesiastes 4:7–16


Today’s Scripture: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. Ecclesiastes 4:9


Two are certainly better than one when it comes to working, because two

workers can get more done. Even when they divide the profits, they still get a better return for their efforts than if they work alone.


Two are better when it comes to walking (Eccl. 4:10). Roads and paths in

Palestine were not paved or leveled, and there were many hidden rocks in the fields. It was not uncommon for even the most experienced traveler to stumble and fall. How wonderful to have a friend who could help him or

her up.


Two are better than one when it comes to warmth (v. 11). Two travelers

camping out, or even staying in the courtyard of a public inn, would feel the cold of the Palestinian night and need each other’s warmth for comfort.


Finally, two are better than one when it comes to security, especially at

night (v. 12). It was dangerous for anyone to travel alone, day or night; most people traveled in groups for fellowship and for safety. If two travelers are better than one, then three would fare even better. Solomon had more than numbers in mind; he was also thinking of the unity involved in three cords woven together (v. 12)—what a beautiful picture of friendship!


Something to Ponder

What have you done lately to help someone’s work go a little easier?

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