Read James 5:7–9
See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.
James 5:7–8
If a man is impatient, then he had better not become a farmer. No crop appears overnight, and no farmer has control over the weather. He must have patience with the seed and the crop, for it takes time for plants to grow. A Jewish farmer would plow and sow in the autumn months. The autumn rain would soften the soil. The spring rain would come in February or March and help to mature the harvest. The farmer had to wait many weeks for his seed to produce fruit.
Why did he willingly wait so long? Because the fruit is valuable. The harvest is worth waiting for. James pictured the Christian as a spiritual farmer looking for a spiritual harvest. There are seasons to the spiritual life just as there are seasons to the soil. Sometimes, our hearts become cold and wintry, and the Lord has to plow them up before He can plant the seed. He sends the sunshine and the rains of His goodness to water and nurture the seeds planted, but we must be patient to wait for the harvest (Gal. 6:9–10).
Here, then, is a secret of endurance when the going gets tough: God is producing a harvest in our lives.
Something to Ponder
What are the situations in which you are usually most impatient? Why?