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Daily Strength Blog

JERMIAH 45:5 : “And do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for behold, I will bring adversity on all flesh, “says the LORD. “ But I will give your life to you as a prize in all places wherever you go.”
Former Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula took his wife on vacation to small seaside town in Maine. Shula thought that surely far from Miami they could relax anonymously. It was raining when they arrived. So they decided to take in a movie. As they entered the small theater, the show had not yet started and the lights were still up.
To their surprise, the scattered handful of people applauded their entrance. After they were seated Don said to his wife with as much humility as he could muster, “I guess there’s nowhere I’m not known.” A man seated nearby reached over and shook Don’s hand. Shula said “I have to admit I’m surprised that you know me here.” The man replied, “Should I know you? We’re just happy to see you folks because the manager said he wasn’t going to start the movie until at least two more people showed up.”
The emptiness of fame and fortune also was brought home to Baruch, the man who served as Jeremiah’s scribe as Jerusalem faced imminent destruction, God spoke through the prophet to remind the faithful secretary that every material thing would be lost.
The power and positions of authority that had been sought for so eagerly would no longer exist. The Chaldeans would take all that away. Yet Baruch’s life would be spared.
Christians can be sidetracked into seeking popularity and wealth as well. Yet God’s Word says that ultimately all these things will be destroyed (2 Pet. 3:10). The only thing we can take out of this world will be the lives we have built on the Word of God.
Does Baruch’s experience speak to you? Ask God to help you put your priorities in the right order, Rather than seeking those things that eventually will be destroyed , seek for a life that will bring eternal rewards.

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