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Daily Strength Blog

PROVERBS 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in
all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Everyone should know that human wisdom is very fallible. In spite of that, a woman in Haifa, Israel, is
suing a television weatherman in small claims court for $1,000 after he predicted sunshine for a day
that turned out to be stormy.
The woman claims the forecast caused her to leave home lightly dressed. As a result, she caught the
flu, missed four days’ work, spent $38 on medication and suffered stress. Whether the legal system
agrees with her or not, however, it’s obvious that she reaped the consequences of trusting in human
Solomon believed that no one should rely upon his own understanding. Instead, he declared, place
your trust in God and seek His wisdom in every aspect of life. The promise God gave through this
wise king is that, in return, He will direct your steps into the right path. God never makes a wrong
Most things, including the weather, are understood very imperfectly even by people who have spent
many years studying them. At best, we can only make educated guesses. If those guesses prove
true, it’s still usually beyond our control to change our circumstances. The Lord, on the other hand,
possesses all knowledge (Ps. 139:4-6).
Furthermore, He is in control of all things–not only the weather (Mark 4:39), but illnesses (Matt. 8:3;
Mark 1:30-34) and death itself (John 11:43-44). Every nation of the earth is at His mercy (Ps. 2:1-9).
What He declares will come to pass. You can count on it.
In the Bible you’ll find the wisdom of God. Trust Him to guide you when you read His Word. Be
confident that He will direct your paths as you apply the Scriptures to your life. Take every
opportunity, every difficulty, every issue that comes up in your life and let God show you His way
through His Word.

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