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Daily Strength Blog

ESTHER 10:3 : For Mordecai the Jew was second to King Ahasuerus, and was great among the
Jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking
peace to all his kindred.
John Brodie, former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, was once asked why a million-dollar
player such as he should have to hold the ball for field goals and extra-points attempts. “Well,” said
Brodie, “if I didn’t, it would fall over.” There is something appealing about this kind of humility in
service. We see in it a reflection of true greatness.
Mordecai had this kind of appeal as well. He became great among his people, but not because he
held a position second only to the king. He was well received by the multitude, but not because he
was rich or related to the queen.
Mordecai’s true greatness came because he had a heart dedicated to service. The wicked Haman
had used his office to promote himself; Mordecai used his position to bring good to his people.
Throughout history, greatness has been associated with unselfish service. When H. M. Stanley went
to Africa in 1871 to find David Livingstone, he found Livingstone engaged in untiring service for those
whom he had no reason to love except for Christ’s sake. Stanley wrote in his journal, “When I saw
that unwearied patience, that unflagging zeal and those enlightened sons of Africa, I became a
Christian at his side, though he never spoke to me one word.”
While the world may never classify you as a John Brodie the quarterback, a Mordecai the Jew or a
David Livingstone the missionary, you can still be great with God. Find the place He would have you
serve, and serve Him until you die.

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