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Daily Strength Blog

ESTHER 2:20: Now Esther had not yet revealed her family and her people, just as Mordecai had
charged her, for Esther obeyed the command of Mordecai as when she was brought up by him.
A Roman centurion was instructed to deliver a message. In order to reach his destination he had to
go through some very dangerous territories.
One of his soldiers approached him and said, “Sir, if you try to deliver this message, you’ll be killed.”
The centurion looked at the young man and replied,” Soldier, it’s not necessary for me to live-it’s only
necessary for me to obey.”
The Bible stresses the virtue of obeying those who are in authority (Rom. 13:1). But respect for
authority begins in the home.
Mordecai raised Esther to be obedient a trait that she carried into adulthood. It was her habit of
obedience that made the difference when she needed to put her life on the line for her people (Esther
This kind of obedience needs to carry over to our spiritual lives as well. If we do not respectfully obey
those whom we can see, how can we expect to obey God, whom we cannot see? How we respond to
our parents, teachers, employer, pastor, and elected officials is an excellent indicator of our attitude
toward God.
Cultivate the habit of respectful obedience. When asked to do something that is unethical or immoral
and is consistent with godliness, respond cheerfully as “to the Lord” (Eph. 6:5-7).
Your obedience to those in authority will set an example for others to follow, especially your children
your obedience in daily matters also lays a foundation for those times when God calls obey in difficult
Make obedience a habit and you’ll be prepare face anything, large or small.

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