ESTHER 2:1 After these things, when the wrath of King Ahasuerus subsided, be remembered
Vashti, what she had done, and what had been decreed against her.
A man never opened the car door for his wife nor did any of the other little niceties that wives
appreciate. He felt such a show of chivalry was silly. “Besides,” he said, “she doesn’t have two broken
This went on for many years until finally his wife died. At the funeral, the family waited at the hearse
for the pallbearers.
When they came, the mortician called the husband by name and asked, “Open the door for her, will
you?” The man reached for the door handle and suddenly froze.
Regret came crashing in on him. He realized he had never opened the car door for her in her life; now
in her death it would be the first, last and only time.
How painful such regrets can be. King Ahasuerus experienced them when he came to his senses and
realized how foolish he had been in banishing Queen Vashti.
His regrets were in vain, however, because the law of the Medes and the Persians could not be
changed. For the rest of his life he would live with the remorse of having wronged his queen.
Rare is the individual who makes it through life without having said or done something he regrets. If
it’s within our power, we should right such wrongs.
An apology, a change in behavior, even an offer of restitution may take the sting out of our regrets.
But sometimes it won’t hapĀ pen; sometimes it’s just too late.
As Christians, we must live so as to minimize regrets. And when we experience them, we should be
quick to ask for God’s forgiveness and for forgiveness from those we wrong.
Let’s live by the Galatians 6:10 principle: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all,
especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
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