DANIEL 1:8: But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Some hunters are totally sold out to hunting. They suffer all kinds of discomfort in order to enjoy their hobby. Many sports fans are totally absorbed by games, whether baseball, football or soccer or anything else.
Whatever else might be taking place, they’re in the stands or in front of the TV rooting for their favorite team, likewise, some businessmen can think of nothing but their business; everything takes second place to being successful in their chosen profession.
But Daniel was sold out in a different way. He was totally committed to maintaining his purity. The drink and rich foods of Babylon in all probability were very tasty, but, prepared by pagan cooks, they surely would not have met the strict Jewish dietary laws.
To have eaten these delicacies would have caused Daniel and his friends’ ritual impurity. And in Daniel’s heart, the culinary pleasures he might have enjoyed were not worth the price of moral pollution. Today we live in a time of gross immorality. We live in a sea of sensual indulgence.
Sex appeal is used to promote everything from cars to shoes. Images that would have made our grandparents blush are brazenly displayed on billboards. Standards, that once protected society from its own carnal appetites have been long abandoned.
Therefore: it’s more important than ever that those who follow Christ commit themselves to maintaining their purity, as Daniel did. Resolve in your own heart even before you face temptation, that you will make purity your highest priority.
Expect to be tempted, but determine that, with God’s help, you will stay undefiled and never waver. The short lived pleasures of immorality are not worth the price.