ISAIAH 30:15: For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be
saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not . . . .
Human wisdom seldom produces the results that we desire. In an issue of Meat & Poultry magazine,
the editors reported on a device used by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to test the strength
of windshields on airplanes.
The device launches a dead chicken at a plane’s windshield at approximately the speed the planes
flies. This indicates if the windshield could withstand a real collision with a bird during flight.
The British railway authorities were so impressed they borrowed the FAA’s chicken launcher to test
the windshield of one of their new high-speed train engines. In their test, however, the chicken not
only went through the windshield but also the engineer’s chair and embedded itself in the back wall of
the engine cab.
Stunned, the British asked the FAA to recheck everything to see if they had done anything wrong.
After thoroughly checking it out, the FAA had one recommendation: “Next time, don’t use a frozen
The people of Israel also were seeking solutions, but they, too, were looking to human wisdom. God
noted that they trusted “in oppression and perversity” (v. 12). He called upon them to rest in Him, but
they declared, “No, for we will flee on horses.”
Therefore God concluded, “those who pursue you shall be swift!” (v. 16). All their human wisdom
would end in failure. When viewed objectively, human wisdom doesn’t have much of a track record.
If you are going through a troubled time, stop trusting in human wisdom. Instead, let your spirit be
quiet before God. Take the difficulties that are bothering you and prayerfully hand each one to Him.
Leave them in His care and rest confident that He who loved you so much that He sacrificed His only
Son for your salvation, also loves you enough to deal with whatever might be disturbing your heart
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