ISAIAH 9:2: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land
of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.
An artist created a painting of a wintry twilight. The trees were barren and laden with snow while a
dreary-looking house stood desolate in the midst of the drifted field. It was a bleak and depressing
Then the artist took some yellow paint and with a few quick strokes painted a candle glowing in one of
the windows of that home. The effect was almost magical. Just one little light and the entire scene
was transformed into a vision of comfort and cheer.
The prophet Isaiah looked at his own country and recognized a need for comfort and cheer. He saw
the spiritual darkness that enveloped many parts of his nation, especially in the north around the Sea
of Galilee.
This area had been conquered by the Syrian king Ben-Hadad (1 Kings 15:20) and became a melting
pot of Jews and Gentiles. A mixture of Judaism and paganism became the dominant religion. The
situation looked hopeless, but even into this stronghold of darkness and spiritual death, Isaiah saw a
light break forth.
Centuries later, when the apostles began to preach the resurrected Christ, this area became the
center of a great revival (Acts 8:5-8). Indeed, the light of Christ’s redemption shone brightly.
Whether it’s your nation or your personal life, the light of Christ makes a difference. In the darkness of
sin, you can find the light of His forgiveness. In the darkness of ignorance, His wisdom illumines the
In the darkness of trials and trouble, His presence dispels the blackness. Whatever darkness
threatens to overshadow your life, let Jesus be the light who drives it away. Jesus is the light of the
world (John 9:5).
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