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Daily Strength Blog

RUTH 2:12 : “The LORD repay your work and a full reward be given you by the LORD God of Israel,
under whose wings you have come for refuge.”
Birds use their wings for many purposes other than flying. In times of danger, a mother bird’s wings
provide a feathered canopy of protection, when darkness falls and the temperature drops, it is under
their mother’s wings that young chicks find the warmth they need to make it through the frosty night.
As the rain plummets to the earth, these same wings provide dry shelter. For those who are young
and vulnerable, the wings of their mother promise the safety and security they need.
This is the safety and security Boaz alluded to as he assured Ruth that her kind and unselfish deeds
would not go unrewarded. When she abandoned the security of her homeland to care for her motherin-law, Naomi, Ruth may have wondered about her future.
She had left everything that spelled safety, but she found something even greater-a refuge that exists
only under the wings of the God of Israel. The word translated “refuge” means “to flee for protection.”
Under the shelter of God’s wings, Ruth found the protection she needed.
God never abandons His own. In times of danger and distress, He spreads His wings of protection
and comfort over us. Enveloped by His pinions, we do not need to fear the difficult circumstances of
Personal storms may rage around us, but we are safe under the canopy of God’s constant care. The
psalmist assures us, “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take
refuge” (Ps.91:4).
If you are going through painful times, nestle yourself under His wings. Take comfort in the fact that
God’s protection is spread over you. Nothing can touch your life without His express permission.
Nothing can threaten you without His express protection.

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