JOSHUA 1:5 : “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with
Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.”
In 1970 an Arizona lawyer named Russel T. Tansie filed a $100,000 damage suit against God. The
suit was filed on behalf of Mr. Tansie’s secretary, Betty Penrose, who accused God of negligence in
His power over the weather when He allowed a lightning bolt to strike her home. The woman won the
case when the Defendant failed to appear in court. I wonder if she ever collected?
When trials come or disaster strikes, it’s easy to feel as if God is being negligent. When something we
can’t explain happens, we believe God has let us down. But the Bible makes it very clear that this is
not true. God told Joshua that He would not leave nor forsake him.
Actually, in the Hebrew language, the negative comes first and makes the thought even stronger: “not
will I leave you” and “not will I forsake you.” The order of these words emphasizes the fact that, no
matter how difficult Joshua’s circumstances might become, God would not leave and He would not
He was as committed to Joshua as He had been to Moses. Could you use that same kind of
commitment from God today? You have it. Read Hebrews 13:5. God’s presence doesn’t mean that
things will always go smoothly. Christians don’t walk around with protective plastic bubbles
surrounding them.
We experience cancer; we endure sorrow and heartache’ we fail in business. God’s promise,
however, is that He will continue to walk with us and be faithful to us even in our sorrows or failures.
His company will bring you comfort that will exceed your understanding (Phil. 4:7).
Be assured that as God was with Moses and Joshua, He is with you as well. Jesus promised, “I am
with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). Whatever difficulties you face, you will not
have to face them alone. He will never, no never, fail you nor forsake you. That’s His promise to you.
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