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Daily Strength Blog

EXODUS 33:14-15 : And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then he
said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”
Throughout the Christian era, godly men and women have testified to the importance of God’s
presence in their lives. In 1859 John G. Paton arrived in the New Hebrides islands as a missionary.
A short time later his wife died in childbirth. Paton had to bury the bodies of his wife and newborn
child in unmarked graves in the middle of the night to keep them from cannibals. He wrote of that
heart-wrenching experience, “I must need have gone mad by that lonely grave but for the presence of
Jesus Christ.”
In the late 1950s, 23-year-old Armando Valladares was thrown into a Cuban prison, where he
remained for 22 years. Executions were staged each night during his first year in prison.
Later, he endured some of the vilest and sadistic tortures imaginable. In his memoirs, Against All
Hope, Valladares wrote, “I sought God I never asked Him to get me out of there I only prayed for
Him to accompany me.”
Moses prayed for the same thing. In fact, he said, “Lord, if You’re not going to be with us, then let’s
just quit right here.” Without God’s presence, Moses saw no value in going on.
If you’re discouraged, facing trials or dealing with sorrow, take comfort in the assurance that God is
with you. You can go on because God will walk beside you every step of the way. Ask Him to make
His presence known to you today; trust that He is always with you. That’s His promise to you!

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