A Time to be Renewed A TIME FOR WAR

“Make love, not war!” may have been a popular slogan, but it is not always feasible. Doctors must make war against disease and death; sanitary engineers must war against filth and pollution; legislators must war against injustice and crime. And they all fight because of something they love! The Apostle...

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A Time to be Renewed NO LONGER BABIES

No one can escape coming into the world as a baby, because that is the only way to get here! But it is tragic when a baby fails to mature. No matter how much parents and grandparents love to hold and cuddle a baby, it is their great desire that...

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A Time to be Renewed RICH PAUPERS!

She had gone down in history as “America’s Greatest Miser.” When she died in 1916, “Hetty” Green left an estate valued at over $100 million. She had eaten cold oatmeal because it cost to heat it; her son had suffered a leg amputation because she spent so long looking for...

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A Time to be Renewed ENJOY GOD’S WILL

Our longtime friends cannot understand the change in our lives, and they want us to return to the same “excess of riot” that we used to enjoy. But the will of God is so much better! If we do the will of God, we will invest “the rest of our...

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A Time to be Renewed BE APPROVED

Each of us as God’s workmen will be either approved or ashamed. The word approved means “one who has been tested and found acceptable.” The word was once used to describe metals which had passed tests for quality. Each trial we go through forces us to study the Word to...

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A Time to be Renewed GOD IS FOR US

The Father is for us, and proved it by giving His Son. The Son is for us, and So is the Spirit. God is making all things work for us. In His Person and His providence, God is for us. Sometimes, like Jacob, we lament, “All these things are against...

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A Time to be Renewed BE READY FOR THAT DAY

We do not know when the Day of the Lord will happen, but we are told what will happen. Kenneth Wuest gives an accurate and graphic translation of 2 Peter 3:10: “The heavens with a rushing noise will be dissolved, and the elements being scorched will be dissolved, and the...

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A Time to be Renewed SERVING TWO MASTERS

We cannot love and serve two masters (Matthew 6:24-34). We can be sure that, apart from Christ, even the material possessions of life give no lasting joy or pleasure. It is good to have the things money can buy, provided we do not lose the things that money cannot buy....

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A Time to be Renewed A NEED FOR SEPARATION

There is a real sense in which the Christian must be separated from “the world”—and by that term, I mean “society without God.” As the children of God, we are in the world physically but not of the world spiritually. We are sent into the world to let our lights...

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Remember that hypocrisy robs us of reality in Christian living. We substitute reputation for character, mere words for true prayer, money for the devotion of the heart. No wonder Jesus compared the Pharisees to tombs that were whitewashed on the outside but filthy on the inside! Hypocrisy not only robs...

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