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Daily Strength Blog

In Bible times, a scribe’s work was to examine the Law and discover its teachings. Remember that the scribes began as a very noble group. They devoted themselves to the protection and preservation of the Law. But sad to say, the scribes degenerated into an unspiritual clique and were more interested in protecting dead tradition than teaching living truth.

Jesus accused them of putting the people under spiritual bondage, not liberty. They so revered the past that they ignored God’s lessons in the present. Instead of opening doors for sinners to be saved, they closed them. They became blind leaders of the blind. Why? Because they had not become disciples.

Every scribe should become a disciple, a person who follows the Lord and puts His truth into practice. We learn the truth to live the truth. The truth becomes alive to us when we live it, and in the process we learn more truth! A desperate need exists today for a balance between theory and practice, learning and living, the schoolroom and the marketplace. Jesus taught His disciples by precept and by practice. There was a balance between objective truth and subjective experience. It is not enough to be hearers of the Word—we must be doers if we are going to grow and glorify God.

Remember this: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” James 1:22, NIV).

Other Scripture: Matthew 5:3-12; Luke 11:28, 46-52; Romans 6:22-23; James 1:22-27.

Action assignment: If you have been redeemed and are a member of God’s family, live today by your Father’s Rule Book.


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