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Daily Strength Blog

Timothy knew the meaning of sacrifice and service, but God rewarded him for his faithfulness. To begin with, Timothy had the joy of helping others. There were hardships and difficulties, but there were also victories and blessings.

Because Timothy was faithful over a few things, God rewarded him with many things, and he entered into the joy of the submissive mind.

He had the joy of serving with the great Apostle Paul and assisting him in some of his most difficult assignments. But perhaps the greatest reward God gave to Timothy was to choose him to be Paul’s replacement when the great apostle was called home.

What an honor! Timothy was not only Paul’s spiritual son and servant, but he became Paul’s substitute—something young Timothy never dreamed of when he was busy serving Christ.

The submissive mind is not the product of an hour’s sermon or a week’s seminar or even a year’s service. The submissive mind grows in us as, like Timothy, we yield to the Lord and seek to serve others.

Verse for today: “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God” James 4:6-7).

Also consider: 1 Peter 2:13-17; James 4:10.

Action assignment: After reading Philippians 2:5-8, thank God for your Saviour’s submissiveness and His supreme example of humbleness. Think about some definite action you can take today that will involve your humbly serving another.


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