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Daily Strength Blog

We belong to one family of God and share the same divine nature. We are living stones in one building, priests serving in one temple. We are citizens of the same heavenly homeland. It is Jesus Christ who is the source and center of this unity. If we center our attention and affection on Him, we will walk and work together; if we focus on ourselves, we will only cause division.

Unity does not eliminate diversity. Not all children in a family are alike, nor are all the stones in a building identical. In fact, it is diversity that gives beauty and richness to a family or building. The absence of diversity is not unity; it is uniformity, and uniformity is dull. It is fine when the choir sings in unison, but most of us prefer that they sing in harmony.

Christians can differ and still get along. All who cherish the “one faith” and who seek to honor the “one Lord” can love each other and walk together. God may call us into different ministries, or to use different methods, but we can still love each other and seek to present a united witness to the world.

After all, one day all of us will be together in heaven; so it might be a good idea if we learned to love each other down here! St. Augustine said it perfectly: “In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty: in all things, charity.”

Today’s Scripture: “Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is bom of God and knoweth God” (1 John 4:7).

Also read: Romans 12:18; John 17:20-24; Ephesians 4:1-6.

Action assignment: Begin memorizing 1 Corinthians 13, if you do not already know it. Ask God to enable you to show love to someone today.

Warren W. Wiersbe

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