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Daily Strength Blog

What is there about legalism that can so fascinate the Christian that he will
turn from grace to law? For one thing, legalism appeals to the flesh. The
flesh loves to be “religious”—to obey laws, to observe holy occasions, even
to fast. Certainly there is nothing wrong with obedience, fasting, or solemn
times of spiritual worship, provided the Holy Spirit does the motivating and
the empowering. The flesh loves to boast about its religious achievements—
how many prayers were offered, or how many gifts were given.
The person who depends on religious achievements can measure himself
and compare himself with others. This is another fascination to legalism. But
the true believer measures himself against Christ, not other Christians. There
is no room for pride in the spiritual walk of the Christian who lives by grace,
but the legalist constantly boasts about his achievements and his converts
(Galatians 6:13-14).
Yes, there is a fascination to the Law, but it is only bait that leads to a trap;
once the believer takes the bait, he finds himself in bondage. Far better to
take God at His Word and rest on His grace. We were saved “by grace,
through faith” and we must live “by grace, through faith.” This is the way to
blessing. The other way is the way to bondage.
Today’s verse: “Through Him [Jesus] everyone who believes is justified
from everything you could not be justified from by the Law of Moses” (Acts
13:39, NIV).
Also read: Romans 3:20-31; Galatians 4:9-11; 6:13-14; Ephesians 2:8-9;
Colossians 2:20-23.
Action assignment: Make up lists with these headings: “Works I Can Boast
About” and “Work that Christ Has Done for Me.” How many items can you
write in each column? Thank God that you do not have to justify yourself,
and that you are justified through Christ.

Warren W. Wiersbe

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