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Daily Strength Blog

“Make love, not war!” may have been a popular slogan, but it is not always feasible. Doctors must make war against disease and death; sanitary engineers must war against filth and pollution; legislators must war against injustice and crime. And they all fight because of something they love!

The Apostle Paul waged war against false teachers because he loved the truth, and because he loved those whom he had led to Christ.

The test of a person’s ministry is not popularity (Matthew 24:9-11) or miraculous signs and wonders (Matthew 24:23-24), but his faithfulness to the Word of God (see Isaiah 8:20; 1 Timothy 4; 1 John 4:1-6; also note that 2 John 7-11 warns us not to encourage
those who bring false doctrine). Judaizers came along and substituted their false gospel for the true Gospel, and for this sin, Paul pronounced them accursed. The word he uses is anathema; which means “dedicated to destruction.” No matter who the preacher may be—an angel from heaven or even Paul himself—if he preaches any other gospel, he is accursed!

Remember this: “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil” (Psalm 97:10). “Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good” (Romans 12:9).

Also: Look up the Bible references listed in today’s reading.

Action assignment: Ask God to make you more sensitive to evil and to help you war against it. Consider action you might take in your own community to help decrease the distribution of pornographic literature, for example. Visit your local Christian bookstore and ask for a book which could help you join forces with those who fight pornography or other evils.

Warren Wiersbe

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