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Daily Strength Blog

Because we belong to Jesus Christ by faith and are united to Him, we have access to His fullness.
We have within us a “well of living water” that perpetually satisfies. More than that, we have a
river of living water that flows from Christ to us, and then through us to bless others.
If happiness is fullness, then you and I should experience the fullness of Christ day by day. We
need to be filled with the Spirit and filled with the Word of God. We must be full of faith so that
God can .use us and answer prayer. If we are yielded, our lives will be filled with the fruits of
righteousness, and we will have “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8).
It is not God’s will that people have empty lives, or that they live on the sickening substitutes of
this world. In Jesus Christ, spiritual fullness is available. God can fill empty lives the way the
rains fill dry riverbeds in the desert, but with this difference: while those rivers will one day go
dry again, we can go “from blessing to blessing” as we draw on the fullness of Jesus Christ.
Verse for today: “Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing; then
said they among the heathen, ‘The Lord hath done great things for them’ ” (Psalm 126:2).
Also read: Colossians 2:9-10; John 4:10-14; 7:37-39; Ephesians 5:18-21; Colossians 3:16-17;
Philippians 1:9-11; 1 Peter 1:8.
Action assignment: Make “Jesus satisfies” your motto. But check to make sure He is filling your
life. Under the headings of “Holy Spirit,” “Word of God,” “Faith,” “Fruits of Righteousness,”
and “Joy,” place the Scripture references from the “Also read” list above that apply to each. Ask
God to show you if there is any lack, and claim “Christ’s fullness.” When you are full of His joy,
share Christ with someone.

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