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Daily Strength Blog

There are two Living sacrifices” in the Bible, and they help us understand what a “living
sacrifice” really is. The first is Isaac (Genesis 22); the second is our Lord Jesus Christ. Isaac
willingly put himself on the altar and would have died in obedience to God’s will, but the Lord
sent a ram to take his place.
Isaac “died” just the same—he died to self and willingly yielded himself to the will of God.
When he got off that altar, Isaac was a “living sacrifice” to the glory of God. Of course, our Lord
Jesus Christ is the perfect illustration of a “living sacrifice.”
He actually died as a sacrifice, in obedience to His Father’s will. But He rose again. And today
He is in heaven as a “living sacrifice,” bearing in His body the wounds of Calvary. He is our
High Priest and our Advocate before the throne of God.
Consider this: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy,
and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
Other Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-15; 1 John 2:1.
Action assignment: Meditate on this morning hymn, “Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun,”
written by Francois Barthelemon in the 1780s:
Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run;
Shake off dull sloth and joyfully rise To pay thy morning sacrifice.
Lord, I my vows to Thee renew,
Disperse my sins as morning dew,
Guard my first springs of thought and will And with Thyself my spirit fill.
Direct, control, suggest this day,
All I design or do or say;
That all my powers with all their might In Thy sole glory may unite.

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