The word “tribulation” in this passage is very strong. This is not speaking of the time of the Tribulation (Rev. 6-19) but of a particular kind of suffering. They were under the pressure of persecution. It was a very severe test, and some of them may have thought they were being tried beyond their ability.
The tribulation spoken of in this passage could be likened to grain being crushed in a stone mill. Or it might be likened to a winepress with the juice forced out of the grapes under great pressure.
The crown of life does not refer to eternal life, for these Christians already had eternal life.
The crown believers receive is a victor’s crown, and as a result, we will reign with Christ. If we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him, and if we deny Him in the time of suffering, He will deny us the privilege of reigning. We are told in Revelation 3:21 that if we are overcomers, we will sit with Him on His throne. So the crown given will be a victor’s crown, but it will also be a royal crown in the sense that we will reign with Him.
Christ’s crown of thorns will be replaced with God’s crown of life for us. We shall be victorious, yes, more than conquerors. All of this reflects back to Him who was dead and is now alive. We have nothing to fear when we trust in Him.
Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach (Heb. 13:13).
Theodore Epp