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Daily Strength Blog


Christ said to Ephesus that there was some love for Him, but the first love was gone. He appreciated their labors and the fact that they had kept their house doctrinally clean. He commended them for their good works, but He could not in faithfulness to them overlook their neglect.

It is possible for us to labor for our Lord to the place where we have no time for fellowship with Him. And the charge He made to His people in Ephesus was not that they had lost their first love but that they had “left” it.

We can sometimes lose something we don’t want to lose, but to leave something could mean a deliberate choice to leave it. We might say that these early Christians had abandoned their first love because they had become so occupied with service.

What is this first love that is sometimes called the “foremost” love? It is complete devotion to Christ, not merely religious duty. It is heart devotion that has no thought for self.
How much time do we spend with Him in the morning? Fifteen minutes? Is that the measure of our love for Him? We must ever remember that Christian activity alone robs us of our personal fellowship with Christ, robs us of spiritual usefulness.

If we really love Christ, we will keep His commandments. It will not be a matter of we “ought” to keep His commandments, but we “will” keep them. Fellowship with Him produces the right kind of spiritual activity.

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge (Eph. 3:19).

Theodore Epp

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