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Daily Strength Blog

2 SAMUEL 11:6-15
David’s scheme was to bring Uriah home on a military furlough, hoping that he would be
considered the father of Bathsheba’s child. Uriah was much more righteous than David in this. He
would not permit himself to relax until the war was over.
David then resorted to extreme measures. To the sin of adultery he added the sin of murder. He
wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. It contained instructions that Uriah must meet death in
battle. Uriah—honest, upright and fully dedicated to his nation and to his king—was given a letter
with his own death warrant in it to be handed to Joab, the leader of Israel’s army. If David could
not cover up his sin by his plots, then he would seal Uriah’s lips so that he could not accuse David
of being the father of Bathsheba’s child.

Some of us think that when a person such as David falls into such terrible sin, the reason must be
that he was not a true believer. We must never forget that the evil nature inherited from Adam, or
the flesh, in the believer is no different than in the unbeliever. Until we see this, we will never
understand the sovereign grace of God and God’s sovereignty in the methods He uses in our lives.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer. 17:9).
Theodore Epp

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