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Daily Strength Blog

1 SAMUEL 24:16-22
When Saul realized how close he had come to death and how David’s integrity had kept him from
taking his life, the king said, “Thou art more righteous than I” (1 Sam. 24:17). Irritating Saul all
the time was this thought: “Behold, I know well that thou shalt surely be king, and that the
kingdom of Israel shall be established in thine hand” (v. 20).
Though Saul was momentarily stopped in his evil intentions, he had not bowed his heart to the will
of God with regard to David’s succeeding him on the throne.

Would our enemies be able to rest on our promises as Saul did on David’s? Unbelievers have often
had good reason to point an accusing finger at Christians for their lack of consistent living. Some
Christians have even observed that it is easier to work with unbelievers than it is to work with
some professing Christians. If others should ever have reason to distrust us, the fault will lie in our
failure to keep a proper relationship with God.
David, of course, first gained the victory over himself before he triumphed over Saul. This cannot
be done at a church altar, though we can make very momentous decisions there. But the decisions
only open the door to a life of walking in victory with God. The life of victory is accomplished
through a moment-by-moment fellowship with God.
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (1 Cor. 4:2).
Theodore Epp

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