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Daily Strength Blog

1 SAMUEL 16:14-23
Having been anointed king of Israel, David’s life could never be the simple life of a shepherd boy
again. He was able to return to his flocks for brief periods, but those times soon ceased. As Psalm
23 indicated, David never forgot that the Lord was his Shepherd. The reminders of the Lord’s
majesty and care and the benefits of the quiet pastures and still waters steadied David in many a
crisis. And they helped bring about the restoration of his soul when he sinned.
The quality of David’s life was such that when he first appeared at the royal residence, Saul “loved
him greatly” (1 Sam. 16:21). David came to dispel with his sweet music the evil spirit that often
troubled Saul.
He, of course, did not know that David was to be his successor. On the other hand, David behaved
so well and was so humble that Saul had no reason to dislike him; rather, he admired and loved
him. He made David his armor-bearer and sent word to Jesse that his son was now attached to the
inner circle of the king’s bodyguard.
Do our lives give off a sweet fragrance that is a blessing to others? Others should see Christ’s life
reflected in our lives as believers in Christ.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another (John 13:35).
Theodore Epp

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