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Daily Strength Blog

JOSHUA 1:1-9
The first statement made in Joshua 1:2 is “Moses my servant is dead.” Moses was dead but not
God. The work of God is in no way hindered by the death of His servants, no matter how eminent
they may be. The workman may be removed, but the work goes forward as ordained by God. This
is God’s doing.
I think of a remarkable organization that God has raised up in this century, starting it through one
man. There came a day when God called that man home, and many people wondered if the
organization would continue. I can say to the glory of God that it is not only going on, but it is
larger than it ever was.
When we recognize that the spiritual life is God’s doing, we will begin to grow. Until we do, we
will not grow. God can change servants in order to show that He may use whatever instrument He
pleases. He is not tied down by, or to, any certain individual.
God is sovereign and can terminate the ministry of any of His servants when He pleases. He may
change His principle of working any time He desires. A Moses can die, but God is eternal. He
never dies.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even
from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God (Ps. 90:2).
Theodore Epp

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