Alone Moses worked, suffered, met God and legislated for his people. But never was this
aloneness as apparent as when he was unattended—even by Joshua, his ever-faithful servant—as
he walked up Mount Nebo to die.
Alone he climbed the craggy steep. Alone he gazed on the landscape before him. And alone he
lay down to die. At the moment of death he was absolutely alone—no one in Israel stood by him.
Yet God was with Moses. In a sense, God was Moses’ undertaker, and the angels were his
pallbearers. God was also the custodian of the grave, for no one knew where Moses was buried.
No tombstone was placed on Moses’ grave—no monument to indicate the remains of this great
man of God.
The epitaph of Moses was not on a tombstone but was recorded in God’s eternal Word, written
there by the Holy Spirit Himself. No finer epitaph for Moses could be recorded than what is
stated in Deuteronomy 34:10-12.
Hebrews 11:27 could also be an epitaph of Moses’ life: “He endured, as seeing him who is
invisible.” What a eulogy! One reads of what many accomplished in the temporal and visible
realm, but this man was ruled by the invisible. What a man of faith!
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints (Ps. 116:15).
Theodore Epp
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