EXODUS 33:12-23
Having succeeded in receiving several answers to his prayers, Moses then evidenced his greatest
boldness in what he requested of God. Moses said, “I beseech thee, shew me thy glory” (Ex.
33:18). Moses had been so encouraged by God’s answers to his prayers that he sought for the
ultimate. The one desire that burned within Moses was to know God better. There is a tremendous
need for each believer to have this same desire.
God is spirit, so no one is actually able to see Him. If a person could see God, he would be unable
to stand the awesomeness of His glory. Thus, even Moses was able to see God only by what He is
and by what He does.
In effect, God was telling Moses, “I can’t show you My face, because if I did, you would not
live. But I will show you My goodness, which reveals who I am and what I do.” God was going
to reveal Himself to Moses by showing His grace and mercy to him.
As the believer walks in close communion with God, there is always the desire to know Him
better. If this is not the desire of the believer, something is seriously lacking in his spiritual life.
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings,
being made conformable unto his death (Phil. 3:10).
Theodore Epp