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Daily Strength Blog

EXODUS 18:13-27
As I have studied the Word of God concerning leadership, I have come to certain conclusions
about spiritual principles of good leadership. These principles can be applied not only by leaders
of organizations but by Sunday school teachers or by anyone with responsibility.
First, God uses people to do His work. When He has a job to do, He calls an individual to do it.
Remember, however, that it took Moses a long time to become prepared for his task, and it
sometimes takes leaders today a long time to be prepared for their tasks.
Second, when the task becomes too much for the one person God originally called, He calls
others to work with the first individual.
Third, God holds the first individual responsible for the work done by the other individuals. This
principle applies especially to the spiritual aspects of the work. This principle was particularly
evident in Moses’ leadership. Even though responsibility and authority could be delegated to
others, he was still directly responsible before God.
God knows what work He wants accomplished, and He gives individuals responsibilities in order
to accomplish that work. The only way that God’s work can be done effectively is for individual
believers to know what God wants them to do.
But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him (1 Cor.
Theodore Epp

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