GENESIS 21:1-7
The birth of Isaac was the second great step toward the fulfillment of God’s purpose. The first was the selection of Abraham to be the father of the chosen nation. Isaac’s birth marked a crisis in connection with the history of the chosen line of Christ.
Even though Ishmael had been born 13 years earlier, God made it clear to Abraham that “in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Gen. 21:12). This was the crisis concerning the line of Christ. God had promised Abraham a son, but none had been given.
Abraham had gone in to Hagar, Sarah’s handmaid, and a son had resulted from their union— but not the son of God’s choice. But at this time in Genesis, God provided the son He had promised.
Isaac led a quiet, peaceful life. He was the ordinary son of a great father, and he was the ordinary father of a great son. Thus, God calls Himself the God of Isaac. The God of Isaac is the God of ordinary people—those involved in the routine of daily living.
Isaac’s life was not filled with glory and spectacular events. Yet he had a very meaningful life. He filled his place in life with complete contentment, not looking for the spectacular. Therefore, a study of Isaac’s life will greatly benefit us because most of us are ordinary people desiring to please God in the routine of daily living.
For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart (1 Sam. 16:7).
Theodore Epp