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Daily Strength Blog

Unconsecrated Christians who are living according to the flesh are referred to as
"carnal" in the Scriptures (see 1 Cor. 3:1,3).
It is never recorded that Lot built an altar. He was not known for his communion with
God. As a result, he got into trouble, just as any believer gets into trouble when he does
not take time for daily fellowship with God. I am not referring to a time when the entire
family reads the Bible and prays together.
This, too, is extremely important, but I am referring particularly to your personal time
alone with God. Perhaps you say you do not have enough time because you are too
busy with life's activities. Anything that takes you away from this time of fellowship with
God is sin. Regardless of how much work you have to do, you can find some time to
spend with God alone. As a believer, this is your number one prerogative.
The devil will always see to it that we have little or no time to fellowship with God. But we
can—and we must—make time for such fellowship. We must put first things first.
Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh (Gal. 5:16).
Theodore Epp

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