Nahum l—3. Revelation 14 • Key Verse: Revelation 14:1
God does not give us just a hope for a tomorrow. He gives us a hope-filled tomorrow. The opening scene of Revelation 14, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion with the 144,000, comes on the heels of one of the darkest chapters in the Bible. In chapter 13 there is only darkness and apparent defeat for the people of God. But what a difference a chapter can make! The text moves from hopeless to hope- filled and helps us focus on a future of victory and vindication.
The hope-filled future is one of victory as described in verses 1-5. The Lamb stands on Mount Zion, not on the shifting sands of the seashore like the dragon in Revelation 13:1. His followers stand not in defeat but victory. They stand on Zion, not in exile but in Israel, the place where Messiah will gather the redeemed. They stand and sing, not in sorrow but with a new song, one of redemption and victory. And they stand before God.
The hope-filled future is also one of vindication. The climatic announcements in the remainder of the chapter are of the everlasting Gospel, the fall of Babylon and the torment of the beast worshipers. There is promised rest and more angels of judgment.
If Revelation ended with chapter 13, we would be left with a picture of defeat. But chapter 14 encourages us to patient endurance and to remain faithful to Jesus. There will be victory and vindication.
After reading both Revelation 13 and 14, toe should be convinced that God is ultimately in control and nothing should shake us—ever. Since that is true, do not let the events of this day shake you.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony beckett