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Daily Strength Blog

Micah 4-5, Revelation 12 • Key Verses: Revelation 12:1-2

Once upon a time there was a kingdom. The person who ruled the kingdom was not the rightful ruler but a usurper. One day he learned that a baby would be born, one who would be the rightful heir to the throne. He knew that if the baby were allowed to live, it would be able to claim the throne and take it from him. So he decided to kill the baby. He tried but failed because the baby was safely taken to another kingdom.

Do you recognize this story? It’s not a fairy talc. It is the Christmas story, told without the usual emphasis on angels and shepherds and magi, or bright lights and joyful songs. It is “the dark side of Christmas.” The usurper is Satan. The rightful ruler is Christ. This is the version of the Christmas story found in Revelation 12.

Too often we forget this aspect of Christ’s birth. Satan desired that the Child die. Thankfully, the truth of the Christmas story includes not only Satan’s enmity toward Jesus, but also Christ’s ultimate victory over him. Revelation 12 pictures the cosmic struggle and the celebration song. The kingdom comes! The accuser is thrown out! Rejoice!

The chapter concludes somewhat ominously. Satan has failed but does not accept defeat without a bitter struggle. The victory has been won, but the battle grows fiercer and darker for the Church. Still, we are assured that satanic evil on earth is really a defeated power.

Rejoice in the truth that Satan is a defeated power, but don’t let down your guard. He will ultimately go down, but not without a fight.

Woodrow Kroll & Tony beckett

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