Jonah 1—4, Revelation 11 • Key Verse: Revelation 10:11
Have you ever put off going to the doctor because you did not want to hear what might be said? Or delayed taking your car to a mechanic for the same reason? Or avoided your accountant for fear your financial picture was rather bleak? There are times when we need to hear from the doctor, mechanic and accountant. We know that what they have to say may be for our good, but it is hard to hear. It may be good for us, but it is hard to swallow.
Sometimes the Word of God is. sweet to taste but hard to swallow. That was Johns experience as he was given a little scroll and told to eat it. In his mouth it was sweet, but in his stomach it turned sour.
The Word should be as sweet as honey in our mouths. In it we read of God’s promises, of hope and of heaven. God’s Word teaches us about salvation and gives us the instruction we need to live godly lives. It is sweet to align ourselves with God and His truth.
Yet God’s Word also contains judgment. That is the part that can be hand to swallow, yet it also is God’s truth. We do not find pleasure in the prospect of the wrath of God.
John would rather have stayed with the sweet things of the Word, but God recommissioned him to carry the prophecy of judgment, to tell the hard truth to people. Sometimes we also have to tell others what they do not want to hear.
It can be hard to tell of God’s judgments, but we must be faithful to the Word and its message.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony beckett